Tuesday, December 11, 2007

And I'm off

Writing regularly again feels a bit like waking up in the morning, so I'll try to get through the grogginess as quickly as possible. Tomorrow I'll be in the air southbound to Santiago with a boat, a paddle, and as little of everything else as possible. From there, I'll be traveling further south through Argentina, over the Andes, and back into Chile at the northern edge of Patagonia to the Futaleufu River. I'm anticipating this leg to be the most difficult of the trip: solo, with my Spanish rustier than a sunken ship and 100 lbs. of awkward gear.

My mental image of the Futa, formed mostly by the movie Paddlequest, is just like Happy Gilmore's "happy place," except that the girl in lingerie with two pitchers of beer is Chilean and the midget dressed up like a cowboy is Chris Spelius. However it turns out, this should get me through 20 hours of bus travel.

Get stoked...


xxxxxx said...

I'm glad I didn't see the youtube video before you left. Hope its going well. Love, Dad.

Unknown said...

Me too on the video. HOpe all is well, would love to hear more about your trip. how did you get all the gear onto the plane? did you sweet talk your way? daniel is home now, all else is well, miss you and love you. mom